
uniquely Quiz

    Wählen sie das am besten geeignete antwort auf jede frage.
  • Frage 1 :
  • Of course Aeolism is only a satirical invention, but it has a general application to all absurd philosophising (also to 'common sense' - a terrifying twist, this, uniquely Swiftian).
    1. more uniquely
    2. most uniquely
    3. uniquely
  • Frage 2 :
  • This toughness is the result of a uniquely fine grain size imparted by vanadium to steel, anodium steels are readily cast, forged, and rolled.
    1. more uniquely
    2. most uniquely
    3. uniquely
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Other Vocabulary

Look-Alike Worte
  1. fr uniques
  2. en uniquity
  3. en untruely
  4. en uniquify
  5. en antiquely
Source: Wiktionary
Schwierigkeitsstufen: Höhe 7
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Bestimmtheit: Höhe 1
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