
more Quiz

EN[mɔː] [mɔɹ] [mo(ː)ɹ] [moə] [-ɔː(ɹ)]
DMehr WMore
    Wählen sie das am besten geeignete antwort auf jede frage.
  • Frage 1 :
  • Historical references describe the camps as internment camps, although others favor the name relocation camps. Others, more critical of this action, refer to them as detention camps or concentration camps.
    1. moring
    2. mores
    3. mored
    4. more
  • Frage 2 :
  • You can have the s'mores: you earned them, clearing the walkway of snow so well. ‎
    1. moring
    2. mores
    3. mored
    4. more
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Ähnliche Links:
  1. fr more
  2. en moreover
  3. en mores
  4. fr mores
  5. en morel
Source: Wiktionary
Schwierigkeitsstufen: Höhe 1
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Bestimmtheit: Höhe 9
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