
influence Quiz

    Wählen sie das am besten geeignete antwort auf jede frage.
  • Frage 1 :
  • The developmental instability theory explains homosexuality as a perturbance of the complex processes of prenatal brain development by exogenous influences and was originally stimulated by findings of increased non-right handedness among homosexuals of both sexes (Lalumière, Blanchard, & Zucker, 2000 ), but attempts at finding an association of homosexuality with fluctuating asymmetry as a broader index of developmental instability have been unsuccessful (Rahman, 2005 ).
    1. influencing
    2. influences
    3. influenced
    4. influence
  • Frage 2 :
  • Moreover, there are no comprehensive data available on the effects of objective demographic factors, such as age and gender and of objective clinical factors determined by the dental surgeon, such as cariological and periodontal conditions influencing patients’ perception on OHRQoL.
    1. influencing
    2. influences
    3. influenced
    4. influence
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Ähnliche Links:
  1. fr influence
  2. en influences
  3. fr influences
  4. en influenced
  5. en influencer
Source: Wiktionary
Schwierigkeitsstufen: Höhe 1
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Bestimmtheit: Höhe 9
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