
individuals Quiz

    Wählen sie das am besten geeignete antwort auf jede frage.
  • Frage 1 :
  • Obama transition officials have said that the president-elect's proposed middle-class tax cut -- called "Making Work Pay," which would provide $500 for individuals and $1,000 for couples by reducing payroll tax withholdings -- is "nonnegotiable."
    1. more individual
    2. most individual
    3. individuals
    4. individual
  • Frage 2 :
  • As the mutual education of marriage is an individual affair,--as the more individualness, the more personalness there is in the relation is what the relation itself is for, the mutual education of employers and employees is going to be found to have more meaning, value and power, the more individual and personal--that is to say, the more alive it is.
    1. more individual
    2. most individual
    3. individuals
    4. individual
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Other Vocabulary

Look-Alike Worte
  1. en individual
  2. en individuall
  3. fr individuels
  4. fr individus
  5. en individua
Source: Wiktionary
Schwierigkeitsstufen: Höhe 1
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Bestimmtheit: Höhe 1
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