
potassium Beispiele

DKalium WKalium

    Examples of potassium in a Sentence

  • Beispiele potassium
    1. But Yaz contains drospirenone, a progestin that can cause excess potassium production in some patients, its side effects include an increased risk of serious heart and other health problems.
    2. potassium ethide
    3. Potassium iodide is a halide.
    4. Second, potassium is a major osmoticum of plant cells, an especially crucial feature for plants under high-salt conditions, and one requiring controlled partitioning of the element among organs, tissues, and cell compartments.
    5. When the loss of water is very great (cholera, infant diarrhœas), there is an increase of potassium salts and phosphates in the urine.
    6. In 2013, Tominaga and co–workers crystallized carbamoylated and cyanated forms of HypE from Thermococcus kodakarensis after in vitro incubation of the protein with potassium cyanide and ATP [27 ].
    7. There was no correlation between denial, styles of coping with ESRD-related stress, and serum markers of adherence (potassium, urea, creatinine, or interdialytic weight gain).
Ähnliche Links:
  1. fr potassium
  2. en potassiums
  3. en potassium-42
  4. en potassium-43
  5. en potassium-39
Source: Wiktionary
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