
item Beispiele

DArtikel WItem

    Examples of item in a Sentence

  • Beispiele item
    1. Jack and Jill are an item. ‎
    2. an item concerning the weather
    3. I'm sorry the speaker isn't here; he's up on the hill on last-minute negotiations. He's going over his prenup and wants a line-item veto. (The West Wing, Season 2, Episode 18, Josh)
    4. The first contributor of an accepted new item (not a COA) is entitled to a free issue, as are all other Good People who send in locs, cartoons, etc.
    5. It has a clever predictive-entry system that seems to know about every single item in the modern American megamarket.
    6. At this point in the meeting, I'd like to propose a new item for the agenda.
    7. Man arrested after allegedly driving car through servo — title of Australian Broadcasting Commission News Radio item, 3 June 2005 [1]
    8. Let's go on to item 3 in the list.
    9. Watching Newstopia, I was cacking up - they kept flashing pictures of dracula during every item about the pope!
  • Beispiele items
    1. More precisely, he is overequipped: among the items he takes from London are a collapsible canoe, a Union Jack, six linen suits, an astrolabe and a portable humidor.
    2. [Appending items one at a time is] still a better deal than concatenation, which reallocates every time.
    3. It says that export controls on specific items or technologies should last no longer than 1 year unless the government can recertify them.
    4. Posthoc, a bifactor model in which (besides the 5 separate factors) a general factor is hypothesized accounting for the commonality of the items showed a significantly better fit than the five factor model.
    5. Trading "enemy flags" for weapons proved to be an effective way of fulfilling some of the requirements, but the dog robber was still using his talents to obtain the more difficult to find items.
    6. The set of test compounds in the reported investigation shares two items with our trial: acetylsalicylic acid (closely related to fluoroacetylsalicylic) and dexamethasone.
    7. For instance, bag No. 386, labeledMust” and “F,” contains 120 flakes, sidescrapers and fragments thereof, all made on lastrine and all ink-marked “1U53A,” while bag No. 396, labeled “F-II/I,” contains 52 such items all ink-marked “1U57A” (S1 Appendix ).
Ähnliche Links:
  1. en items
  2. fr item
  3. en itemise
  4. en itemize
  5. en itemset
Source: Wiktionary
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