
diminutives Beispiele


    Examples of diminutives in a Sentence

  • Beispiele diminutive
    1. Roman Sharonov rose unchallenged to head a corner wide, while diminutive winger Gokdeniz Karadeniz ghosted in with a diving header from the edge of the six-yard box that was acrobatically kept out by Gomes.
    2. Booklet, the diminutive of book, means ‘small book’.
    3. A few mini-beasts occasionally turn up among the mega: an inventive set of paper flaps in the corner of one page illustrates the evolution of the modern wild horse from the diminutive hyracotherium, a cat-size equine ancestor from the Cenozoic era.
    4. She thus gave herself a kind of superpresence, allowing us to see that the source of all the explosive energy we had witnessed onstage was her diminutive frame.
    5. For his soft-heartedness, his forgiving and undemanding nature, the governor was called by the diminutive "Inzushko.
  • Beispiele diminutives
    1. It is the most commont and grossest blunders of scientific diminutives, to imagine that all in nature is of nature. There are more excellent natures. We ascend the height of argument by means of supernatures. These supernatures are, so to speak, natural manifestations or degrees of the supernatural.

Other Vocabulary

Look-Alike Worte
  1. en diminutive
  2. fr diminutive
Source: Wiktionary
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