
curving Beispiele


    Examples of curving in a Sentence

  • Beispiele curving
    1. Now we plunged into a deep shade with the boughs lacing each other overhead, and crossed dainty, rustic bridges [ …] : or anon we shot into a clearing, with a colored glimpse of the lake and its curving shore far below us.
    2. 1934: the piano curving like a conch, corollas giving out diapasons of light — Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer 1961: he could hear nothing except the rattle of the crickets and the swelling diapason of the frogs — Graham Greene, A Burnt-Out Case
    3. France's own stand-in stand-off Trinh-Duc missed with a drop-goal when well set but then set off on a curving run through a scattered defensive line which carried him deep into enemy territory until Weepu's desperate tap-tackle finally brought him down.
  • Beispiele curvings
    1. Wakes within, the ancient mind For a gloriousness defined: As she sought and knew your pleasure,-- Wiling with a dancing measure, Underneath your closed eyes She calls the shapes of clouded skies; White forms flushing hyacinthine Twine in curvings labyrinthine; Seem with godlike graceful feet, For such mazy motion meet, To press from air each lambent note, On whose throbbing fire they float; With an airy wishful gait On each others' motion wait; Naked arms and vesture free Fill up the dance of harmony.
Ähnliche Links:
  1. en curvings
  2. en curvingly
Source: Wiktionary
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