
communications Beispiele


    Examples of communications in a Sentence

  • Beispiele communication
    1. Some say that communication is a necessary prerequisite for sentience; others say that it is a result thereof.
    2. The node had established communication with the network, but had as yet sent no data.
    3. The subpoena required that the company document their communication with the plaintiff.
    4. A round archway at the far end of the hallway provided communication to the main chamber.
    5. You must know how to use the elements of the communication mix to communicate the product’s existence, value and benefits to the target customers.
    6. 1879, De Lesseps, the engineer, has been visiting the Boy of Tunis, and trying to get his consent to the scheme for piercing tho isthmus of Zaber, and opening up communication with the interior of the Dark Continent by water.
    7. Disability Discrimination Act 1995: Rights of access,facilities,services and premises (2002) p. 68. Account should also be taken of people with multiple communication disabilities, such as deafblindness or combined speech and hearing disabilities.
    8. Union Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman had long known that his fragile supply and communication lines through Tennessee were in serious jeopardy because of depredations by Forrest's cavalry raids. (Battle of Brice's Crossroads)
    9. The news industry is undergoing a massive disintermediation due to the ubiquitous low-cost communication made possible by the internet.
    10. 1998 Jack C. Richards, Jonathan Hull, Susan Proctor, "New interchange: English for international communication" Police officer: Well, for one thing, you went over a double yellow line back there to pass a car.
  • Beispiele communications
    1. The communes are still very real, of course, but their organs serve primarily as communications conduits and allocations redividers.
    2. Her mother [ … ] directs communications, publications and speechwriting.
    3. Maybe it's neither fiber, optics nor wires that are incubating the revolution in communications. Maybe it's the cellular whatevers that go into those phones you see people ostensibly talking into while driving automobiles.
    4. Furthermore, intercanal communications were recorded at the middle 1/3 of the root in 80.6% and 58.3% of mesial and distal roots, respectively.
    5. Furthermore, Wever and Vernon [25 ] showed that sound energy is conducted through the heads of crocodylians via intertympanic communications allowing for sound localization by way of the detection of interaural time and phase differences.
Ähnliche Links:
  1. fr communications
  2. en communications zone
Source: Wiktionary
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