
cloth Beispiele

EN[klɔθ] [klɑθ] [klɒθ] [-ɒθ]

    Examples of cloth in a Sentence

  • Beispiele cloth
    1. Some are strangely detailed, like the hugely antlered white deer-creature-cum-forest-god seemingly stolen whole cloth from Princess Mononoke.
    2. to cut cloth bias
    3. The rolls of greige cloth sat on the factory floor waiting to be printed.
    4. The grommeted drop cloth didn't tear where it was tied down.
    5. a cloth of loose texture
    6. 'A cloth of woven crimson, gold and jet:-'
    7. The site's packaging, meanwhile, carries more than a whiff of cachet; shoes come inside noncollapsible boxes tied with brocade ribbon, which are then wrapped in tissue and placed inside cloth bags and placed inside another box tied with ribbons.
    8. The baby dress, balloon, the trapeze and the tent all have one thing in common: a looseness that allows for the circulation of air between cloth and body, nonconstricting comfort for hot, humid summer days.
    9. The Ice Bag, a parachutelike swell of nylon cloth capped by polyester resin, is an oversized, mechanized version of the classic headache remedy.
  • Beispiele cloths
    1. They [ … ] founded manufacturies of cotton cloths; contracted for the crops of produce at very high prices; offered rewards and, in short, they put in motion every partial resources they were able to avail themselves of and their limited means allowed.
    2. He and his team set updissemination stations,” consisting of dark, damp cloths dusted with pyriproxyfen, in the nooks and crannies of aboveground tombs in a cemetery.
    3. In poor families, solid cloths are passed down from elder children to kid siblings, who must wear them out or if they outgrow them pass them down to still younger relatives
  • Beispiele clothes
    1. clothes-shop employee
    2. “‘Money, mostly. Miss Pamela was over-fond of fine clothes, but Miss Pebmarsh, who was giving 'er a 'ome and daily bread, 'adn't much money to spare for fallalery. …’”
    3. Place your dirty clothes in the dirty laundry.
    4. To don one's clothes.
    5. Drop and give me thirty push-ups, private!   If your clothes are on fire, stop, drop and roll. ‎
    6. Woollen clothes are said to be active fomites.
    7. a clothes hamper
Ähnliche Links:
  1. en clothes
  2. en clothing
  3. en clothed
  4. en clothe
  5. en clothesline
Source: Wiktionary
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