
cell phone Beispiele


    Examples of cell phone in a Sentence

  • Beispiele cell phone
    1. The Mall's selection of cell phone carriers includes a full AT&T store and a T-Mobile express.
    2. "I got you a new cell phone." "Woo, that's great!"
    3. Even sitting in a restaurant, the person on a cell phone seems importantly busy and on the move.
    4. You just tried to start your car with your cell phone. Hello? ‎
    5. His cell phone charges very quickly, whereas mine takes forever.
    6. The second spot, “One Thing,” shows the unlikely custom car shop workin', musclebound dude-bro, who loves his iPhone because it consolidates the iPod, camera, cell phone and SMS device he used to carry around in “a little bag.”
    7. A cell phone, a pager, a PDA, an iPod, and a digital watch — what do you need all that gadgetry for?
    8. My new cell phone has a news ticker feature.
    9. Your cell phone company can put a trace on your line. ‎
  • Beispiele cell phones
    1. In the movies spies are always talking over cell phones with built-in scramblers.
    2. A lot of people don't develop pictures nor do they purchase real cameras anymore so cell phones now are adding better pixilation and tripod attachments to take steady pictures.
Ähnliche Links:
  1. en cell phones
  2. en cell phone lot
  3. en cell phone lots
Source: Wiktionary
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