
carts Beispiele


    Examples of carts in a Sentence

  • Beispiele cart
    1. the sloats of a cart
    2. to stall a cart
    3. The old horse and cart trundles along the path.
    4. The grocer delivered his goods by cart. ‎
    5. My Final Fantasy cart on the NES is still alive and kicking.
    6. ‘Now then Kit,’ said Mr Parkinson, ‘look sharp! Help Jess up. Where has she got to?’ ‘Here I am!’ said Jessamy breathlessly as “helpedrather to vigorously from behind by Kit, she arrived on her knees on the floor of the dog cart.
    7. She had some additional safety recommendations: keep your feet flat on the cart floor, avoid sudden turns, use the hand grip above your head for stability and don’t make any postfactory changes to the cart, like disabling the speed governor.
  • Beispiele carts
    1. Please return the shopping carts to the corral.
    2. Their conveyance is no handsome carriage, but a rickety dog-cart, unmistakably betraying its neighbourship to the carts and ploughs of some rural farmyard.
    3. Every morning, the vendors trundle their carts out into the market.
  • Beispiele carted
    1. The gargantuan ape was bonded in iron chains and carted onto the stage.
    2. He was sentenced to be hung without any trial worth speaking of; but as he was carted to the gallows an old woman cried out, "Ach, Jimmy alanna!
  • Beispiele carting
    1. I've been carting these things around all day.
Ähnliche Links:
  1. en cartsful
  2. en cartshed
  3. en cartsheds
Source: Wiktionary
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