
behaviour Beispiele


    Examples of behaviour in a Sentence

  • Beispiele behaviour
    1. I was called into the head's office to discuss my behaviour.
  • Beispiele behaviours
    1. The patient engaged in self-mutilative behaviours.
    2. Self-compatible plants that cannot autogamously self-pollinate highly rely on pollinators for reproduction, such nectar robbing behaviours may affect plant reproduction.
    3. These neurones project into the pituitary and into multiple extrahypothalamic regions in vertebrates, and are known to play pivotal roles in osmoregulation, stress response, reproduction, and mediation of social behaviours.
    4. This technique allowed us to quantify hemilesioned rat motor activity using a set of behaviours representative of normal movements, i.e. similar to those observed in intact rats and, enabled us to discriminate these from the typical contraversive turning response that is observed under L-Dopa treatment.
Ähnliche Links:
  1. en behaviours
  2. en behavioural
  3. en behaviourism
  4. en behaviourist
  5. en behaviourists
Source: Wiktionary
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