
as if Beispiele

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    Examples of as if in a Sentence

  • Beispiele as if
    1. When my father comes back with a dark wet spot on his pants, right in front, as if he has made in his pants, he starts eating his food in great shovelfuls.
    2. Nobody had flown beside an osprey, painted by Audubon as if seen aloft by a companion bird, gripping a fish in its talons and opening its beak in midcry.
    3. I loved it when the Obamatons started chanting "Yes we can yes we can yeswe can" in the middle of it as if it were some sort of religious ritual.
    4. Alas, it looked yesterday, when the Legislature returned to business, as if Premier Dalton McGuinty's peculiar maunderings and ponderings of the past several weeks risk making him just that.
    5. Or it can summarize the inner thoughts of either the quoter or the quotee (“She’s like, yeah, as if I’d be caught dead in them!
Ähnliche Links:
  1. en as if one's life depends on it
  2. en as if one's life depended on it
Source: Wiktionary
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