
adverbs Beispiele


    Examples of adverbs in a Sentence

  • Beispiele adverb
    1. But much more to be deprecated than all the particular departures from idiom already mentioned is the growing notion that every monosyllabic adjective, if an adverb is to be made of it, must have a -ly clapped on. to it to proclaim the fact.
    2. Brivla are "content words", i.e., categorematic. When acting as selbri they are roughly comparable to verbs (or adjectives (or even nouns), if the selbri's arity is one), and when acting as sumti (e.g., due to being prefixed with "le") they are comparable to nouns. If a brivla modifies another one (thereby forming a "tanru"), the modifying brivla would be comparable to an adverb or adjective (*), depending on whether the modified brivla is acting as selbri or sumti, respectively. // Footnote: (*) - the modifying brivla could instead be comparable, in some cases, to the modified brivla's predicate.
    3. the scope of an adverb
  • Beispiele adverbs
    1. Many flat adverbs, as in 'run fast', 'buy cheap', etc. are from Old English.
    2. Most dictionaries cover most adverbs with only run-on entries.
    3. But now that the pushovers of permissiveness have sliced and diced the solitary meaning of unique with wimpy adverbs, a fresh expression of splendid singularity, as yet unnibbled by the minnows of murkiness, is welcome.
    4. Cmavo are connective, syncategorematic words. They are roughly comparable to English conjunctions, prepositions, articles, numerals, and some adverbs.
    5. Some of the phrasal adverbs have assumed the form of single words, by that symphytism which naturally attaches these light elements to each other. — Earle.
    6. I neologize most frequently in my writing when it comes to adverbs.

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Look-Alike Worte
  1. en adverb
  2. en adverts
  3. fr adverbe
  4. fr adverbes
  5. en adverse
Source: Wiktionary
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