
understanding deutsch

EN[ʌndəˈstandɪŋ] [ˌʌndəɹˈstændɪŋ] [-ændɪŋ]
DVerstehen WVerstehen
  • Verstehen ist das inhaltliche Begreifen eines Sachverhalts, das nicht nur in der bloßen Kenntnisnahme besteht, sondern auch und vor allem in der intellektuellen Erfassung des Zusammenhangs, in dem der Sachverhalt steht.

    Definition of understanding in English Dictionary

  • SubstantivPLunderstandingsPREunder-SUF-ing
    1. (uncountable) Mental, sometimes emotional process of comprehension, assimilation of knowledge, which is subjective by its nature.
      1. (countable) Reason or intelligence, ability to grasp the full meaning of knowledge, ability to infer.
        1. (countable) Opinion, judgement or outlook.
          1. The yawning gap in neuroscientists’ understanding of their topic is in the intermediate scale of the brain’s anatomy. Science has a passable knowledge of how individual nerve cells, known as neurons, work. It also knows which visible lobes and ganglia of the brain do what. But how the neurons are organised in these lobes and ganglia remains obscure.
        2. (countable) An informal contract, mutual agreement.
          1. I thought we had an understanding - you do the dishes, and I throw the trash. ‎
        3. (countable) A reconciliation of differences.
          1. The parties of the negotiation have managed to come to an understanding. ‎
        4. (uncountable) Sympathy.
          1. He showed much understanding when he found out of my troublesome familial history. ‎
        5. All that people individually sense and feel of themselves.
        6. Verb
          1. present participle of understand.
            1. It is tempting to speculate about the incentives or compulsions that might explain why anyone would take to the skies in [the] basket [of a balloon]: […];  […]; or perhaps to muse on the irrelevance of the borders that separate nation states and keep people from understanding their shared environment.
        7. AdjektivCOMmore understandingSUPmost understanding
          1. Showing compassion.
          2. Mehr Beispiele
            1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
              • Much of our understanding derives from the study of mice with targeted mutations, finding key transcription factors, growth factors and receptors required for normal palatogenesis.
              • Using this strategy, we significantly expanded our knowledge of the short ragweed pollen allergome, as well as our understanding of the diversity of IgE sensitization among patients.
              • 2011, Bruce Perens Crayon licenses show a lack of understanding of copyright law, license structure, and most important: what would happen if the license were to be interpreted in court.
            2. Zu Beginn des Satzes verwendet
              • Understanding the role of the HP0377 lipobox requires more investigation, as has been done for some Legionella lipoproteins [ 61 ].
            3. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
              • Thou favourest man with knowledge and teachest a human being understanding.
          • Wortart Hierarchie
            1. Adjektive
              • Substantive
                • Zählbare Nomen
                  • Singularia tantum
                    • Unzählbare Nomen
                  • Verben
                    • Verbformen
                      • Partizipien
                        • Partizip Präsens
                  Ähnliche Links:
                  1. en understandings
                  2. en understandingly
                  3. en understandingness
                  Source: Wiktionary

                  Meaning of understanding for the defined word.

                  Grammatisch, dieses wort "understanding" ist ein adjektive. Es ist auch ein substantive, genauer gesagt, ein zählbare nomen und ein singularia tantum. Es ist auch ein verben, genauer gesagt, ein verbformen.
                  Schwierigkeitsstufen: Höhe 1
                  Einfach     ➨     Schwer
                  Bestimmtheit: Höhe 8
                  Definitiv    ➨     Vielseitig