
turns deutsch


    Definition of turns in English Dictionary

  • SubstantivBFturn
    1. plural of turn.
    2. VerbBFturnPRturningPT, PPturned
      1. third-person singular simple present indicative form of turn.
      2. Mehr Beispiele
        1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
          • Realising he had forgotten his briefcase, he turned back to the office. ‎
          • The company has not turned a profit from the merger.
          • "Come, now, deacon," said the shopkeeper, abruptly dropping the cat, "you can turn up your nose at my ideas all you vant, but you mustn't turn it up at my shurch.
        2. Zu Beginn des Satzes verwendet
          • Turn around once or twice so I can see your new dress. ‎
          • Turning the corner, I discovered a lovely little shop. I discovered that they sold widgets. ‎
          • Turn the mixer on medium-high, and then do that thing professional cooks live in fear of being yelled at for: overwhip the cream!
        3. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
          • As a child, Mr. Leleux recalls, his unitasking took a culinary turn.
          • I'm washing-up under protest because it's not my turn.
          • They are an excellent group of journalists, and over the last five years the executives manhandling their newspaper have disserved them at every turn.
      • Wortart Hierarchie
        1. Substantive
          • Noun Formen
            • Substantiv Pluralformen
          • Verben
            • Verbformen
              • Verb Einzahlformen
                • Der 3. person singular
          Ähnliche Links:
          1. en turnstile
          2. en turnstone
          3. en turnsol
          4. en turns in
          5. en turnsole
          Source: Wiktionary

          Meaning of turns for the defined word.

          Grammatisch, dieses wort "turns" ist ein substantive, genauer gesagt, ein noun formen. Es ist auch ein verben, genauer gesagt, ein verbformen.
          Schwierigkeitsstufen: Höhe 1
          Einfach     ➨     Schwer
          Bestimmtheit: Höhe 1
          Definitiv    ➨     Vielseitig