
times deutsch

EN[taɪmz] [-aɪmz]
EN Times

    Definition of times in English Dictionary

  • Substantiv
    1. plural of time.
      1. The circumstances of a certain time.
        1. From the ground, Colombo’s port does not look like much. Those entering it are greeted by wire fences, walls dating back to colonial times and security posts. For mariners leaving the port after lonely nights on the high seas, the delights of the B52 Night Club and Stallion Pub lie a stumble away.
      2. A person's experiences or biography.
        1. The Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter
    2. VerbSGtimesesPRtimesingPT, PPtimesed
      1. third-person singular simple present indicative form of time.
        1. (informal, arithmetic) To multiply.
        2. Präposition
          1. Product of the previous number and the following number.
            1. Four times five is twenty.
            2. One times one is one.
        3. Mehr Beispiele
          1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
            • Then he took to breeding silk-worms, which he would bring in two or three times a day, in little paper boxes, to show the old lady  [ …] .
            • 28 May 2000, St. Petersburg Times - The good and the bad of Spanish travel writing Series: BOOKS
            • When I want to switch Groupwise domains I am forced to click the cancel button on a login dialog box a zillion times (I’m not exaggerating... much)
          2. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
            • 7 is a submultiple of 56, being contained in it eight times.
            • Among these, we looked at vasohibin for further study, since its expression increased by about 3 times.
            • As stated, this argument assumes a form of propositional temporalism: it assumes that the proposition expressed by my sentence for A-THEORY* has different truth values relative to different times.
        • Wortart Hierarchie
          1. Substantive
            • Noun Formen
              • Substantiv Pluralformen
            • Präpositionen
              • Verben
                • Verbformen
                  • Verb Einzahlformen
                    • Der 3. person singular
              Ähnliche Links:
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              3. en timesaving
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              5. en timeses
              Source: Wiktionary

              Meaning of times for the defined word.

              Grammatisch, dieses wort "times" ist ein substantive, genauer gesagt, ein noun formen. Es ist auch ein präpositionen. Es ist auch ein verben, genauer gesagt, ein verbformen.
              Schwierigkeitsstufen: Höhe 1
              Einfach     ➨     Schwer
              Bestimmtheit: Höhe 7
              Definitiv    ➨     Vielseitig