
standard deutsch

EN[ˈstændəd] [ˈstændɚd]
  • Standard bezeichnet:
  • eine vereinheitlichte, anerkannte Art und Weise, etwas herzustellen, zu machen oder durchzuführen; siehe Standard
  • Industriestandard; einen von Industrieunternehmen definierten technischen Standard
  • in der Ökonomie eine Übereinkunft zur Lösung periodisch auftretender, technischer Probleme; siehe Standard (Ökonomie)
  • ein Musikstück im Jazz; siehe Jazzstandard
  • eine Kurzform für Standardtanz; siehe Standardtänze
  • Leitlinien im Gesundheitswesen; siehe Pflegestandard
  • die festgelegten Rassenmerkmale in der Haustierzucht; siehe Rassestandard
FR standard

    Definition of standard in English Dictionary

  • SubstantivPLstandardsSUF-ard
    1. A principle or example or measure used for comparison.
      1. The humor of my proposition appealed more strongly to Miss Trevor than I had looked for, and from that time forward she became her old self again; [ …] . Our table in the dining-room became again the abode of scintillating wit and caustic repartee, Farrar bracing up to his old standard, and the demand for seats in the vicinity rose to an animated competition.
      2. the court, which used to be the standard of property and correctness of speech
      3. By the present standard of the coinage, sixty-two shillings is coined out of one pound weight of silver.
    2. A vertical pole with something at its apex.
      1. ‘It was called the wickedest street in London and the entrance was just here. I imagine the mouth of the road lay between this lamp standard and the second from the next down there.’
      2. His armies, in the following day, / On those fair plains their standards proud display.
      3. In France part of their gardens is laid out for flowers, others for fruits; some standards, some against walls.
    3. A manual transmission vehicle.
      1. (botany) The upper petal or banner of a papilionaceous corolla.
        1. (shipbuilding) An inverted knee timber placed upon the deck instead of beneath it, with its vertical branch turned upward from that which lies horizontally.
          1. A large drinking cup.
          2. AdjektivCOMmore standardSUPmost standard
            1. Falling within an accepted range of size, amount, power, quality, etc.
              1. (of a tree or shrub) Growing on an erect stem of full height.
                1. Having recognized excellence or authority.
                  1. standard works in history; standard authors
                2. Of a usable or serviceable grade or quality.
                  1. (not comparable, of a motor vehicle) Having a manual transmission.
                    1. As normally supplied (not optional).
                    2. Mehr Beispiele
                      1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
                        • Two blood pressure measurements were obtained with a standard sphygmanometer.
                        • We developed and tested a DNA metabarcoding protocol that utilises the standard cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) barcoding fragment to detect freshwater macroinvertebrate taxa.
                        • The time reversal invariant topological superconductivity is realized if the interwire pairing corresponding to crossed Andreev reflection dominates over the standard intrawire pairing.
                      2. Zu Beginn des Satzes verwendet
                        • Standards for methanol extracted pigments chlorophyll a, c 2 . peridinin, β carotene, diatoxanthin and diadinoxanthin were used for quantifying pigments which were normalized per cell.
                      3. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
                        • Bacteria were plated on trypticase soy agar (TSA), incubated at 37 °C for 15 h and subsequently diluted using the McFarland optical density standard.
                        • Afterwards, total lipids were quantified by the sulfophosphovanillin method, with olive oil (Indalo Clasico) diluted with absolute ethanol as standard.
                    • Wortart Hierarchie
                      1. Adjektive
                        • Substantive
                          • Zählbare Nomen
                        Ähnliche Links:
                        1. fr standard
                        2. en standards
                        3. fr standards
                        4. fr standarde
                        5. fr standardes
                        Source: Wiktionary

                        Meaning of standard for the defined word.

                        Grammatisch, dieses wort "standard" ist ein adjektive. Es ist auch ein substantive, genauer gesagt, ein zählbare nomen.
                        Schwierigkeitsstufen: Höhe 1
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