
shorts deutsch

EN[ʃɔː(ɹ)ts] [-ɔː(ɹ)ts]
  • Als Shorts (immer im Plural; von engl. für „(die) Kurzen“) werden kurze Hosen bezeichnet, die meist nicht bis unter die Knie reichen.
FR shorts

    Definition of shorts in English Dictionary

  • SubstantivBFshort
    1. plural of short.
      1. Pants worn primarily in the summer that do not go lower than the knees.
        1. Jessica hated covering her legs, so she rarely wore anything but shorts.
      2. Underwear bottoms.
        1. After a scare like that, I need to change my shorts.
      3. (uncountable) Remnants, clippings, trimmings of production processes.
        1. The part of milled grain sifted out which is next finer than the bran.
          1. Short, inferior hemp.
          2. Mehr Beispiele
            1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
              • opp [...] was one turn short of death, when he topdecked wrath... i topdecked skizzik, but he had counter...
              • Him, for his exploits exc'ellent to reward, God gave in shortest space a gallant son, whose arm to 'noble and enfame was fain the warlike name of Lusitania's reign.
              • To estimate the mode of a (distance) distribution, we used the midpoint of the shorth (the shortest interval that covers half the values).
            2. Zu Beginn des Satzes verwendet
              • Short and thick set, he almost invariably dressed in a Western business suit or a safari jacket once he gave up his military uniform, and a black songkok, the flat traditional Indonesian cap.
            3. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
              • Jones smashes a worm burner between third and short.
              • As soon as he got home, Ryan stripped down to his t-shirt and shorts.
          • Wortart Hierarchie
            1. Substantive
              • Noun Formen
                • Substantiv Pluralformen
                • Pluralia tantum
                  • Singularia tantum
                    • Unzählbare Nomen
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                Source: Wiktionary

                Meaning of shorts for the defined word.

                Grammatisch, dieses wort "shorts" ist ein substantive, genauer gesagt, ein noun formen, ein pluralia tantum und ein singularia tantum.
                Bestimmtheit: Höhe 7
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