
separate deutsch

EN[ˈsɛp(ə)ɹət] [ˈsɛpəɹeɪt]
US, adjective US, verb

    Definition of separate in English Dictionary

  • SubstantivPLseparatesSUF-ate
    1. (usually in the plural) Anything that is sold by itself, especially an article of clothing.
    2. VerbSGseparatesPRseparatingPT, PPseparated
      1. (transitive) To divide (a thing) into separate parts.
        1. Separate the articles from the headings. ‎
      2. To disunite something from one thing; To disconnect.
        1. (transitive) To cause (things or people) to be separate.
          1. It is tempting to speculate about the incentives or compulsions that might explain why anyone would take to the skies in [the] basket [of a balloon]: […];  […]; or perhaps to muse on the irrelevance of the borders that separate nation states and keep people from understanding their shared environment.
        2. (intransitive) To divide itself into separate pieces or substances.
          1. The sauce will separate if you don't keep stirring. ‎
        3. (obsolete) To set apart; to select from among others, as for a special use or service.
        4. Adjektiv
          1. Apart from (the rest); not connected to or attached to (anything else).
            1. This chair can be disassembled into five separate pieces.
          2. (followed by “from”) Not together (with); not united (to).
            1. I try to keep my personal life separate from work.
        5. Mehr Beispiele
          1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
            • If you separate your work from reality, the artistry and stylization become the focus.
            • One sample, W52 (fabric group 3), separates out from the other sherds, which overlap with a considerable amount of intrasample variation.
            • We weren't sure which columns in the table would have unique values, so we used a separate surrogate key as the primary key.
          2. Zu Beginn des Satzes verwendet
            • Separate molecules will cohere because of electromagnetic force.
            • Separate experiments show that infants habituated to repeated occurrences of one object will dishabituate to the presentation of a new object (Xu and Carey 1996 , p. 136).
          3. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
            • Writers change the URIs as they compose because writers commutate and manipulate language to create a variety of rhetorical experiences that can be read at once, as overlapping, or as separate.
            • Subsequently, the cystohepatic triangle of patients, with head up in left lateral position, was separated.
        • Wortart Hierarchie
          1. Adjektive
            • Unver Adjektive
            • Substantive
              • Zählbare Nomen
              • Verben
                • Ergative Verben
                  • Intransitive Verben
                    • Transitive Verben
                  Ähnliche Links:
                  1. en separated
                  2. en separately
                  3. en separates
                  4. en separatest
                  5. en separateth
                  Source: Wiktionary

                  Meaning of separate for the defined word.

                  Grammatisch, dieses wort "separate" ist ein adjektive, genauer gesagt, ein unver adjektive. Es ist auch ein substantive, genauer gesagt, ein zählbare nomen. Es ist auch ein verben, genauer gesagt, ein ergative verben, ein intransitive verben und ein transitive verben.
                  Schwierigkeitsstufen: Höhe 1
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                  Bestimmtheit: Höhe 9
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