
refers deutsch


    Definition of refers in English Dictionary

  • VerbBFreferPRreferringPT, PPreferredPREré-SUF-ers
    1. third-person singular simple present indicative form of refer.
    2. Mehr Beispiele
      1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
        • Whether regular or occasional, all the participants referred to self-fumigation as the most effective preventive measure to control bug presence in intradomiciles.
        • Janensch [5 ] identified them simply as being presacrals; he referred specifically to the vertebrae in block III as trunk vertebrae but did not identify their position more specifically.
        • To this tribe we may refer a little fore-handed animal, of the island of Ceylon, which M. Buffon calls the Lori ; very remarkable for the singularity of its figure.
    • Wortart Hierarchie
      1. Verben
        • Verbformen
          • Verb Einzahlformen
            • Der 3. person singular

      Other Vocabulary

      Look-Alike Worte
      1. en refer
      2. en prefers
      3. fr refera
      4. fr réfère
      5. fr référa
      Source: Wiktionary

      Meaning of refers for the defined word.

      Grammatisch, dieses wort "refers" ist ein verben, genauer gesagt, ein verbformen.
      Bestimmtheit: Höhe 1
      Definitiv    ➨     Vielseitig