
ratting deutsch


    Definition of ratting in English Dictionary

  • SubstantivBFratPLratsSUF-ing
    1. (archaic) The blood sport of setting a dog upon rats confined in a pit to see how many he will kill in a given time.
      1. A vocation involving the pest control of rats, typically using a working terrier.
      2. VerbBFratSGratsPT, PPratted
        1. present participle of rat.
          1. Don't go ratting to the police about what happened.
      3. Mehr Beispiele
        1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
          • The administration of MUL enhanced the hepatosomatic index of MTX treated rats and brought this parameter back to values very similar to that observed in the control group.
          • Clausenamide (p.o., consecutive days) increased the density of hippocampal synapses and the number of mossy nerve fibre buddings in ablactated mice and adult rats (Zhang et al. 2001).
          • Similar studies of rats have employed four different intracranial resorbable, slow sustained release systemssurgical foam, a thermal gel depot, a microcapsule or biodegradable polymer beads.
        2. Zu Beginn des Satzes verwendet
          • Rats were received d-amphetamine sulfate (5.0 mg/kg i.p) and were placed in rotometer bowls.
        3. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
          • After four to eight days of incubation, this biolung was grafted on to a rat.
          • To study the anti-inflammatory effect of selected dihydroxyflavones (DHF) in albino rats.
          • They have shown that intravenous or intraduodenal administration of obestatin stimulates pancreatic protein and trypsin output in anesthetized rats.
      • Wortart Hierarchie
        1. Substantive
          • Singularia tantum
            • Unzählbare Nomen
          • Verben
            • Verbformen
              • Partizipien
                • Partizip Präsens

          Other Vocabulary

          Look-Alike Worte
          1. en matting
          2. en rating
          3. en batting
          4. en tatting
          5. en rutting
          Source: Wiktionary

          Meaning of ratting for the defined word.

          Grammatisch, dieses wort "ratting" ist ein substantive, genauer gesagt, ein singularia tantum. Es ist auch ein verben, genauer gesagt, ein verbformen.
          Bestimmtheit: Höhe 2
          Definitiv    ➨     Vielseitig