
personality deutsch

DPersönlichkeit WPersönlichkeit
  • Der Begriff Persönlichkeit hat die Individualität des Menschen zum Gegenstand, hinsichtlich welcher einzigartigen psychischen Eigenschaften sich Menschen von anderen unterscheiden. „Temperament“ und „Charakter“ sind ältere Fachbezeichnungen.
  • In der Philosophie werden eher die Begriffe Personalität und Person verwendet (vgl. Philosophische Anthropologie).

    Definition of personality in English Dictionary

  • SubstantivPLpersonalitiesPREPerso-SUF-ality
    1. A set of qualities that make a person (or thing) distinct from another.
      1. An assumed role or manner of behavior.
        1. My work PC emulates a Windows personality. ‎
        2. In his final act, the comedian takes on a child's personality. ‎
      2. A celebrity.
        1. Johnny Carson was a respected television personality. ‎
      3. Charisma, or qualities that make a person stand out from the crowd.
        1. Something said or written which refers to the person, conduct, etc., of some individual, especially something of a disparaging or offensive nature; personal remarks.
          1. (law) That quality of a law which concerns the condition, state, and capacity of persons.
          2. Mehr Beispiele
            1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
              • Although we had yet another Chandler & Monica story, it nicely explored the hurdles faced by the couple, rather than being a Mondler story where Chandler's personality changes to match Monica's.
              • The poetry, prose and personality in Soul Clothes, may rub up on a curious and compassionate place within you, a place of stark reality drenched in divine hope.
              • Rich knew how to warm up the audience of The Price is Right. His good looks and charming personality made even that special.
            2. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
              • She is a successful leader because of her strong personality.
              • Her wild mood swings displayed the natures of her multiple personalities.
              • His loud voice cannot compensate for a lack of personality.
          • Wortart Hierarchie
            1. Substantive
              • Zählbare Nomen
            Ähnliche Links:
            1. en personalityless
            2. en personalitylike
            3. en personalitywise
            4. en personality cult
            5. en personality cults
            Source: Wiktionary

            Meaning of personality for the defined word.

            Grammatisch, dieses wort "personality" ist ein substantive, genauer gesagt, ein zählbare nomen.
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