
organed deutsch


    Definition of organed in English Dictionary

  • VerbBForganSGorgansPRorganing
    1. simple past tense and past participle of organ.
    2. Mehr Beispiele
      1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
        • Thus, the injection of LPS caused severe hypotension, tachycardia, hypoglycemia, vascular hyporeactivity, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, and high mortality at the end of the experiment.
        • In teleosts, spleen is an important haematopoietic organ where melanomacrophages phagocytise and detain blood-borne antigens for a long period of time [43 ].
        • This compartment is the main place for cellulose hydrolysis and many different hemicellulolytic enzymes within this organ are also produced by the bacterial symbionts.
      2. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
        • Like many transmen, he chose not to remove his female reproductive organs.
        • ICCs can form gap junctions with smooth muscle, and juxtracrine chemical synapses have been shown to form between ICCs and immune cells in rat bladder and other organs.
        • The problem of renal excretion, and so, inadvisability in the face of low creatinine clearance, may be addressed by betrixaban, little of which is excreted via this organ.
    • Wortart Hierarchie
      1. Verben
        • Verbformen
          • Partizipien
            • Partizip perfekt
            • Verb Präteritum Formen

        Other Vocabulary

        Look-Alike Worte
        1. fr organe
        2. en organ
        3. fr Morgane
        4. en Organon
        Source: Wiktionary

        Meaning of organed for the defined word.

        Grammatisch, dieses wort "organed" ist ein verben, genauer gesagt, ein verbformen.
        Bestimmtheit: Höhe 1
        Definitiv    ➨     Vielseitig