
off deutsch

EN[ɒf] [ɔf] [ɑf] [-ɒf]
Dweg WOff
  • Off steht für:
  • Off-Broadway oder Off-Theater, Begriffe aus dem Theaterbereich
  • Off camera, Erzählstimmen, Geräusche und Musik in einer visuellen Produktion, die zu hören, aber nicht zu sehen sind (aus dem Off)
  • Off ist der Nachname von:
  • Jan Off (* 1967), deutscher Kabarettist
  • Marcus Off (* 1958), deutscher Schauspieler und Synchronsprecher
  • Die Abkürzung Off steht für:
  • Offenbarung des Johannes
  • Offline
  • OFF ist ein Akronym für:
  • Object File Format, ein Datenformat zur Beschreibung von Polygonen für wissenschaftliche Software

    Definition of off in English Dictionary

  • SubstantivPREoff-
    1. (rare) beginning; starting point.
      1. He has been very obviously an untrustworthy narrator right from the off.
  • VerbSGoffsPRoffingPT, PPoffed
    1. (transitive) SLA To kill.
      1. He got in the way so I had him offed.
    2. (transitive, Singapore) To switch off.
      1. Can you off the light?
  • AdjektivCOMmore offSUPmost off
    1. Inoperative, disabled.
      1. All the lights are off.
    2. Rancid, rotten.
      1. This milk is off!
    3. (cricket) In, or towards the half of the field away from the batsman's legs; the right side for a right-handed batsman.
      1. Less than normal, in temperament or in result.
        1. sales are off this quarter
      2. Circumstanced (as in well off, better off, poorly off).
        1. 'Are you better off now than you were four years ago?' With that pointed question, Ronald Reagan defined the 1980 presidential election as a 92 referendum on Jimmy Carter's economic policies
      3. Started on the way.
        1. off to see the wizard
        2. And they're off! Whatsmyname takes an early lead, with Remember The Mane behind by a nose.
      4. Far; off to the side.
        1. the off horse or ox in a team, in distinction from the nigh or near horse
      5. Designating a time when one is not strictly attentive to business or affairs, or is absent from a post, and, hence, a time when affairs are not urgent.
        1. He took an off day for fishing.  an off year in politics; the off season
    4. AdverbCOMmore offSUPmost off
      1. In a direction away from the speaker or object.
        1. No matter how early I came down, I would find him on the veranda, smoking cigarettes, or [ …] . And at last I began to realize in my harassed soul that all elusion was futile, and to take such holidays as I could get, when he was off with a girl, in a spirit of thankfulness.
      2. Into a state of non-operation; into a state of non-existence.
        1. Please switch off the light when you leave.   die off
      3. So as to be removed or separated.
        1. He bit off more than he could chew.
        2. Some branches were sawn off.
    5. Präposition
      1. Used to indicate movement away from a position on.
        1. I took it off the table.; Come off the roof!
      2. (colloquial) Out of the possession of.
        1. He didn't buy it off him. He stole it off him.
      3. Away from or not on.
        1. He's off the computer, but he's still on the phone.; Keep off the grass.
      4. Disconnected or subtracted from.
        1. We've been off the grid for three days now.; He took 20% off the list price.
      5. Distant from.
        1. We're just off the main road.; The island is 23 miles off the cape.
      6. No longer wanting or taking.
        1. He's been off his feed since Tuesday.; He's off his meds again.
      7. Placed after a number (of products or parts, as if a unit), in commerce or engineering.
        1. Tantalum bar 6 off 3/8" Dia × 12" — Atom, Great Britain Atomic Energy Authority, 1972
        2. samples submitted … 12 off Thermistors type 1K3A531 … — BSI test report for shock and vibration testing, 2000
        3. I'd like to re-order those printer cartridges, let's say 5-off.
    6. Mehr Beispiele
      1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
        • We tried to start a company, but we couldn't seem to get it off the ground.
        • The second quartile's figures were off target by 30%.
        • Thankfully the hail slacked off after a few minutes. ‎
      2. Zu Beginn des Satzes verwendet
        • Off in the distance, he heard the thunder of hoofbeats, signalling a stampede.
      3. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
        • Madame Defarge herself picked out the pattern on her sleeve with her toothpick, and saw and heard something inaudible and invisible a long way off.
        • Some rumors that the governor had smoked pot as a teenager were flying around, but he has finally managed to shake them off.
        • You wouldn't expect teenagers to sing opera, but these kids will knock your socks off.
    • Wortart Hierarchie
      1. Adjektive
        • Adverbien
          • Unver Adverbien
          • Substantive
            • Singularia tantum
              • Unzählbare Nomen
            • Präpositionen
              • Verben
                • Transitive Verben
              Ähnliche Links:
              1. en office
              2. fr office
              3. en officers
              4. en offered
              5. en offer
              Source: Wiktionary

              Meaning of off for the defined word.

              Grammatisch, dieses wort "off" ist ein adjektive. Es ist auch ein adverbien, genauer gesagt, ein unver adverbien. Es ist auch ein substantive, genauer gesagt, ein singularia tantum. Es ist auch ein präpositionen. Es ist auch ein verben, genauer gesagt, ein transitive verben.
              Schwierigkeitsstufen: Höhe 1
              Einfach     ➨     Schwer
              Bestimmtheit: Höhe 9
              Definitiv    ➨     Vielseitig