
moring deutsch


    Definition of moring in English Dictionary

  • VerbBFmoreSGmoresPT, PPmoredSUF-ing
    1. present participle of more.
    2. Mehr Beispiele
      1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
        • This study also showed that the orchard fungicide fenbuconazole, when combined with acetamiprid, was five times more toxic [ …]
        • God was now nothing more than a distant cause of causes; what mattered was matter, and man acting in nature. The theodicy, the master-narrative, had become secularized.
        • They were certainly the more rounded team and it was unusual, to say the least, to see Chelsea with home advantage being pinned back into their own half.
      2. Zu Beginn des Satzes verwendet
        • More interesting is Nobuhiro Kawanaka's ShiShosetsu, whose slow motion and warm, filmstock colors deny close-ups of a woman's breasts some of their anatomic power.
        • More precisely, he is overequipped: among the items he takes from London are a collapsible canoe, a Union Jack, six linen suits, an astrolabe and a portable humidor.
        • More specifically, animals in the highest dose group had definable clinical signs on day two, decreased activity, anterior abdominal matting of haircoat, and an unkempt appearance.
      3. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
        • With tact and management it would be possible to partially satisfy creditors, and keep up appearances for six months more.
        • Girl, you can talk to the hand 'cause I ain't listenin' no more.
        • This is the only proper basis on which to superstruct first innocency and then virtue. — Dr. H. More.
    • Wortart Hierarchie
      1. Verben
        • Verbformen
          • Partizipien
            • Partizip Präsens
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      3. en moringuid
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      5. en moringic acid
      Source: Wiktionary

      Meaning of moring for the defined word.

      Grammatisch, dieses wort "moring" ist ein verben, genauer gesagt, ein verbformen.
      Bestimmtheit: Höhe 1
      Definitiv    ➨     Vielseitig