
in that deutsch

Ddadurch gekennzeichnet, dass

    Definition of in that in English Dictionary

  • Konjunktion
    1. In the fact that; in the sense that; for the cause or reason that; because.
      1. This essay is a good one in that it comprehensively outlines all the major arguments on this issue.
  • Mehr Beispiele
    1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
      • If we fence in that field, it will be a good pasture for a horse.
      • Information acquired in that way, makes an impression ; this "boning" up for an examination is all right as a finishing touch, but it will not last.
      • She seems to be completely engrossed in that book.
    2. Zu Beginn des Satzes verwendet
      • In that study, some of the subjects had dreams in which they were slaking their thirst, very much like the dreams of convenience Freud described.
      • In that moment, I saw right through her; this petition drive had nothing to do with her love for animals, and everything to do with impressing Michael, the cute intern.
  • Wortart Hierarchie
    1. Konjunktionen

    Other Vocabulary

    Look-Alike Worte
    1. en so that
    2. en at that
    3. en tin hat
    4. fr initiât
    5. en in heat
    Source: Wiktionary

    Meaning of in that for the defined word.

    Grammatisch, dieses idiom "in that" ist ein konjunktionen.
    Bestimmtheit: Höhe 1
    Definitiv    ➨     Vielseitig