
eyen deutsch


    Definition of eyen in English Dictionary

  • SubstantivBFeyePLeyes
    1. (dialectal or obsolete) plural of eye.
      1. So mote I brouke wel myne eyen tweye, Saue ye I herde neuere man so synge. — Chaucer, 1390 While flashing beams do daze his feeble eyen. — Spenser, The Fairie Queen 1897, William Morris, “Chapter VII. Birdalone Hath an Adventure in the Wood”, in The Water of the Wondrous Isles, Fantasy, Project Gutenberg, published 2005 : But well are thine eyen set in thy head, wide apart, well opened, ...
  • Mehr Beispiele
    1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
      • Just above the doorway, which opened spang onto the broadway of Datura, a grinning face peered down upon the visitors, its eyes ruby-colored glass.
      • Durham is an excellent basketball announcer; he concentrates on the defense and coverages, and he always seems to have one eye on the shot clock, which is so overimportant in the pro game.
      • The eyes of turfdom are turned tomorrow to the Blue Grass stakes at Lexington [ …]
    2. Zu Beginn des Satzes verwendet
      • Eyes undergoing vitrectomy are normally exposed to light by endoillumination, illumination by the operating microscope, and chandelier lighting.
      • Eyes were examined ophthalmoscopically by an experienced retinologist and selected for study inclusion.
    3. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
      • He was still an old galliard, with white Buffalo Bill vandyke, and he swanked around, still healthy of flesh, in white suits, looking things over with big sex-amused eyes.
      • Overaction of the inferior oblique muscle (IOOM) is manifest by overelevation of the adducted eye.
      • He was a rotund, jolly man with a twinkle in his eye.
  • Wortart Hierarchie
    1. Substantive
      • Noun Formen
        • Plurale
          • Unregelmäßige Plural
            • Pluralformen der Endung "-en"
          • Substantiv Pluralformen
            • Unregelmäßige Plural
              • Pluralformen der Endung "-en"
          • Unregelmäßige Plural
            • Pluralformen der Endung "-en"
            • Nomen mit Endung gemeinsamen Formationen
              • Pluralformen der Endung "-en"

          Other Vocabulary

          Look-Alike Worte
          1. en even
          2. en eyes
          3. en eye
          4. en eyed
          5. en e'en
          Source: Wiktionary

          Meaning of eyen for the defined word.

          Grammatisch, dieses wort "eyen" ist ein substantive, genauer gesagt, ein noun formen, ein unregelmäßige plural und ein nomen mit endung gemeinsamen formationen.
          Bestimmtheit: Höhe 1
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