
expression deutsch

EN[ɪkˈspɹɛʃ.ən] [-ɛʃən]
DAusdruck WAusdruck
  • Ausdruck – hier: vom lat. expressio [vgl. auch englisch expression] –, Verb: ausdrücken, steht für
  • in den Sprachwissenschaften:
  • Linguistik allgemein:
  • Ausdruck (Sprachwissenschaft) bzw. sprachlicher Ausdruck, die Ausdrucksseite von Sprachzeichen
  • Phrase (Linguistik), allgemein eine abgeschlossene syntaktische Einheit
  • Fachausdruck (Terminus), eine definierte Benennung für einen Begriff innerhalb der Fachsprache eines Fachgebiets
  • Formale Semantik, Mathematik, (theoretische) Informatik:
  • Ausdruck (Mathematik), eine formale Zeichenkette, bestehend aus Termen
FR expression

    Definition of expression in English Dictionary

  • SubstantivPLexpressionsSUF-ion
    1. A particular way of phrasing an idea.
      1. A colloquialism or idiom.
        1. The expression "break a leg!" should not be taken literally. ‎
      2. A facial appearance usually associated with an emotion.
        1. Eustace gaped at him in amazement. When his urbanity dropped away from him, as now, he had an innocence of expression which was almost infantile. It was as if the world had never touched him at all.
      3. (mathematics) An arrangement of symbols denoting values, operations performed on them, and grouping symbols.
        1. (biology) The process of translating a gene into a protein.
          1. (programming) A piece of code in a high-level language that returns a value.
            1. Of a mother, the process of expressing milk.
            2. Mehr Beispiele
              1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
                • In an independent sample set, lower miR-126-3p expression was observed in follicular thyroid cancers (which have capsular and angioinvasion) as compared to follicular adenomas.
                • The expression "raze to the ground" is a tautology, since the word "raze" includes the notion "to the ground".
                • In IPF, bronchial epithelial cells of abnormal bronchioles in areas of bronchiolization and dense fibrosis indicate robust expression of FGF1, FGFR3 and FGFR4.
              2. Zu Beginn des Satzes verwendet
                • Expression of QTL12 has been reported to confer partial resistance via delayed movement of RYMV into mestome (bundle sheath cells; [214]).
                • Expression of the viral proteins VP1 and agnoprotein was measured in whole cell protein extracts by Western-Blot-">Western blot.
                • Expression of MAP1B during glomerulogenesis in newborn rat kidney.
              3. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
                • Interestingly, this could not be observed for intragraft IFN-γ expression.
                • The thymidine-labeled uptake was unaffected by progestogenic treatment and the DNA-Polymerase">DNA polymerase activity was not correlated with the PR expression.
                • Therefore, we wondered if cecally supplemented SCFAs were capable of inducing GLP-1 expression.
            • Wortart Hierarchie
              1. Substantive
                • Zählbare Nomen
              Ähnliche Links:
              1. fr expression
              2. en expressions
              3. fr expressions
              4. en expressional
              5. en expressionism
              Source: Wiktionary

              Meaning of expression for the defined word.

              Grammatisch, dieses wort "expression" ist ein substantive, genauer gesagt, ein zählbare nomen.
              Schwierigkeitsstufen: Höhe 1
              Einfach     ➨     Schwer
              Bestimmtheit: Höhe 9
              Definitiv    ➨     Vielseitig