
consistents deutsch


    Definition of consistents in English Dictionary

  • SubstantivBFconsistentPREcon-
    1. plural of consistent.
    2. Mehr Beispiele
      1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
        • The tricuspid valve was also involved with fibroinflammatory debris consistent with endocarditis.
        • The centroparietal positivity facilitated both task types and both transition types, and is consistent with a primary role for facilitating general proactive cognitive control.
        • We chose the former, owing to familiarity with OBI procedures, thus ensuring rapid processing and the completion of nanopublications seamlessly consistent with the linkedISA RDF representation.
      2. Zu Beginn des Satzes verwendet
        • Consistent with this hypothesis, many of the metabolites in cluster 5 are branched chain amino acids and their derivatives, which are known to be metabolized during midlogarithmic phase [22 ].
      3. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
        • Let's lay down the rules right at the beginning, so we are consistent.
    • Wortart Hierarchie
      1. Substantive
        • Noun Formen
          • Substantiv Pluralformen

      Other Vocabulary

      Look-Alike Worte
      1. en consistent
      2. fr consistent
      Source: Wiktionary

      Meaning of consistents for the defined word.

      Grammatisch, dieses wort "consistents" ist ein substantive, genauer gesagt, ein noun formen.
      Bestimmtheit: Höhe 1
      Definitiv    ➨     Vielseitig