
bring deutsch

EN[ˈbɹɪŋ] [ˈbɹiːŋ] [-ɪŋ]

    Definition of bring in English Dictionary

  • VerbSGbringsPRbringingPT, PPbroughtSUF-ing
    1. (transitive) To transport toward somebody/somewhere.
      1. Waiter, please bring me a single malt whiskey. ‎
    2. (transitive, figuratively) To supply or contribute.
      1. The new company director brought a fresh perspective on sales and marketing. ‎
    3. (transitive) To raise (a lawsuit, charges, etc.) against somebody.
      1. It has jailed environmental activists and is planning to limit the power of judicial oversight by handing a state-approved body a monopoly over bringing environmental lawsuits.
    4. To persuade; to induce; to draw; to lead; to guide.
      1. To produce in exchange; to sell for; to fetch.
        1. What does coal bring per ton? ‎
      2. (baseball) To pitch, often referring to a particularly hard thrown fastball.
        1. The closer Jones can really bring it. ‎
    5. Interjektion
      1. The sound of a telephone ringing.
      2. Mehr Beispiele
        1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
          • The judge told the lawyers that the jury had been attentive in the trial, and added: “I do think there is some benefit to bringing the jury back into the courtroom and reinstructing them.”
          • An often proved Remedy to bring away what is, or should not be left in the Womb of a Puerpera, though it were Part of a dead Child.
          • He brought with him a large wallet with some provisions for the road.
        2. Zu Beginn des Satzes verwendet
          • Bring these gypsy vermin to the Palace of Justice.
      • Wortart Hierarchie
        1. Einwürfe
          • Verben
            • Transitive Verben
              • Verben mit Wendetyp
                • Unregelmäßige Verben
            Ähnliche Links:
            1. en bringing
            2. en brings
            3. en bringe
            4. en bringed
            5. fr bringue
            Source: Wiktionary

            Meaning of bring for the defined word.

            Grammatisch, dieses wort "bring" ist ein einwürfe. Es ist auch ein verben, genauer gesagt, ein transitive verben und ein verben mit wendetyp.
            Schwierigkeitsstufen: Höhe 1
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            Bestimmtheit: Höhe 9
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