
behavioural deutsch


    Definition of behavioural in English Dictionary

  • Adjektiv
    1. (British) Of or pertaining to behaviour.
    2. Mehr Beispiele
      1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
        • Therefore, we should be cautious in using only one or a few of these feathered paravians as a proxy for the ancestral morphological, functional, and behavioural conditions of birds.
        • Mental rotation task performance results suggest that the ELF MF exposure studied here (60 Hz, 3000 μT) modulates associated neuroprocessing, although the behavioural outcome is not altered.
    • Wortart Hierarchie
      1. Adjektive
        • Unver Adjektive
      Ähnliche Links:
      1. en behaviourally
      2. en behaviouralism
      3. en behaviouralist
      4. en behaviouralists
      5. en behavioural pattern
      Source: Wiktionary

      Meaning of behavioural for the defined word.

      Grammatisch, dieses wort "behavioural" ist ein adjektive, genauer gesagt, ein unver adjektive.
      Bestimmtheit: Höhe 1
      Definitiv    ➨     Vielseitig