
background deutsch


    Definition of background in English Dictionary

  • SubstantivPLbackgroundsPREback-
    1. One's social heritage; what one did in the past/previously.
      1. The lawyer had a background in computer science. ‎
    2. A part of the picture that depicts scenery to the rear or behind the main subject; context.
      1. Earless ghost swift moths becomeinvisible” to echolocating bats by forming mating clusters close [ …] above vegetation and effectively blending into the clutter of echoes that the bat receives from the leaves and stems around them. Many insects probably use this strategy, which is a close analogy to crypsis in the visible world — camouflage and other methods for blending into one’s visual background.
    3. Information relevant to the current situation about past events; history.
      1. A less important feature of scenery (as opposed to foreground).
        1. There was tons of noise in the background. ‎
        2. The photographer let us pick a background for the portrait. ‎
      2. (computing) The image or color, over which a computer's desktop items are shown (e.g. icons or application windows).
        1. (computing) Activity on a computer that is not normally visible to the user.
          1. The antivirus program is running in the background. ‎
      3. VerbSGbackgroundsPRbackgroundingPT, PPbackgrounded
        1. To put in a position that is not prominent.
        2. AdjektivCOMfurther backgroundSUPfurthest background
          1. Less important in a scenery.
            1. background noise. ‎
        3. Mehr Beispiele
          1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
            • And on 1986's Life Young made similar pronouncements set against a background of surrealistic global superpolitics on songs like "Long Walk Home."
            • The specimens were immersed in perfluoropolyether to ensure a proton-free and susceptibility matched background and oriented with the femoral shafts approximately along B 0 .
            • Strains within a single pathogroup can originate from different genetical backgrounds [10 –13 ].
          2. Zu Beginn des Satzes verwendet
            • Background subtracted data was normalized to the average intensity of the 3 prebleached images [ …]
          3. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
            • Max is an expressive huge-eyed black ball of kinetic kittenness who pops against each page’s bright, differently colored background.
            • I'm trouble now. They published what I gave them on background.
            • Though they have a belter (Ms. Vitha) and a blues singer (Ms. Wolfe), the vampiness of their delivery suggested more theater than church in their backgrounds.
        • Wortart Hierarchie
          1. Adjektive
            • Substantive
              • Zählbare Nomen
              • Verben
              Ähnliche Links:
              1. en backgrounds
              2. en backgrounded
              3. en backgrounder
              4. en backgrounders
              5. en backgrounding
              Source: Wiktionary

              Meaning of background for the defined word.

              Grammatisch, dieses wort "background" ist ein adjektive. Es ist auch ein substantive, genauer gesagt, ein zählbare nomen. Es ist auch ein verben.
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