
at least deutsch


    Definition of at least in English Dictionary

  • Präposition
    1. (focus) At the least; at a minimum or lower limit.
      1. I couldn't count them all, but I think there must have been at least 500 people in attendance.
    2. In any event; anyway.
    3. Mehr Beispiele
      1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
        • A few iconoclasts insist that bulbs can reflower, and you may be proving them right, but it is more likely that you started with at least two bulbs similar in size.
        • Admiral Buzby’s report describes an array of digital video recorders used to captureactivities” — it does not specify whether interrogations are included — in at least four subcamps at Guantánamo.
        • We thus cannot exclude that the increase of follistatin immediately after the race at least in part was due to hemoconcentration.
      2. Zu Beginn des Satzes verwendet
        • At least he didn't suffer when he died in the car crash. ‎
        • At least it is accepted that the traditional view is not fully and universally accepted. There are still rooms for doubt.
        • At least the entry set of Stately Wayne Manor was tweaked slightly to make it more moviesque. And the cast visits the real house for the only time.
    • Wortart Hierarchie
      1. Phrases
        • Präpositionalphrasen
        • Adverbien
          • Fokus Adverbien
          • Präpositionen
            • Präpositionalphrasen

          Other Vocabulary

          Look-Alike Worte
          1. en at last
          2. en at best
          3. en at ease
          4. en at rest
          5. en at heart
          Source: Wiktionary

          Meaning of at least for the defined word.

          Grammatisch, dieses idiom "at least" ist ein phrase, genauer gesagt, ein präpositionalphrasen. Es ist auch ein adverbien, genauer gesagt, ein fokus adverbien. Es ist auch ein präpositionen, genauer gesagt, ein präpositionalphrasen.
          Bestimmtheit: Höhe 6
          Definitiv    ➨     Vielseitig