
analyze deutsch

EN[ˈæn.ə.laɪz] [-aɪz]

    Definition of analyze in English Dictionary

  • VerbSGanalyzesPRanalyzingPT, PPanalyzedPREana-SUF-lyze
    1. (transitive) To subject to analysis.
      1. (transitive) To resolve (anything complex) into its elements.
        1. (transitive) To separate into the constituent parts, for the purpose of an examination of each separately.
          1. (transitive) To examine in such a manner as to ascertain the elements or nature of the thing examined; as, to analyze a fossil substance, to analyze a sentence or a word, or to analyze an action to ascertain its morality.
          2. Mehr Beispiele
            1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
              • Complete plastomes were analyzed phylogenomically and divergence dates estimated to seek potential selective causes for the PACMAD radiation.
              • Ectoapertures of pollen grains of all analyzed cultivars are narrow and long whereas endoapertures are circular (Fig 2N ).
              • In this report choroidal, ciliochoroidal and iridociliary melanomas were analyzed for GNAQ and GNA11 mutations which were subsequently correlated to the location of tumor origin.
            2. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
              • This discovery led to a series of expeditions to the Caribbean and South Pacific where several species of biofluorescent eels, representing several anguilliform families, were collected and analyzed.
              • Data suggest slight decreases in markers of proliferation in the periosteal and midsutural areas analyzed.
              • I also reconsulted the gastroenterologist, who now suggested a “capsuleendoscopy, in which the patient swallows a tiny camera that passes through the system so its images can be analyzed.
          • Wortart Hierarchie
            1. Verben
              • Transitive Verben
            Ähnliche Links:
            1. en analyzed
            2. en analyzer
            3. en analyzes
            4. en analyzers
            5. en analyzeable
            Source: Wiktionary

            Meaning of analyze for the defined word.

            Grammatisch, dieses wort "analyze" ist ein verben, genauer gesagt, ein transitive verben.
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