
activity deutsch

DAktivität WAktivität
  • Aktivität (lateinisch activus „tätig, wirksam“) steht für:
  • Tätigkeit, Handeln des Menschen
  • Aktivität (Chemie), eine thermodynamische Größe
  • Aktivität (Physik), physikalische Größe als Beschreibung eines radioaktiven Stoffs
  • Aktivität (UML), in der Unified Modeling Language ein Modellelement für die Spezifikation des Verhaltens eines Systems
  • Katalysatoraktivität, in Biochemie und Katalysatortechnik eine kinetische Größe
  • Vulkanismus, in der Geologie das Verhalten eines Vulkans
  • in Workflows die kleinste Ausführungseinheit, siehe Workflow-Management

    Definition of activity in English Dictionary

  • SubstantivPLactivitiesSUF-ity
    1. The state or quality of being active; nimbleness; agility; vigorous action or operation; energy; active force; as, an increasing variety of human activities.
      1. Pit row was abuzz with activity. ‎
    2. Something done as an action or a movement.
      1. The activity for the morning was a walk to the store. ‎
    3. Something done for pleasure or entertainment, especially one involving movement or an excursion.
      1. Like most human activities, ballooning has sponsored heroes and hucksters and a good deal in between. For every dedicated scientist patiently recording atmospheric pressure and wind speed while shivering at high altitudes, there is a carnival barker with a bevy of pretty girls willing to dangle from a basket or parachute down to earth.
    4. Use (of internet, playstation, bank account etc.).
    5. Mehr Beispiele
      1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
        • It has been reported that the hypo- triglyceridemic action of PPARα agonists results (at least in part) from induction of the expression and activity of LPL [24 ,28 ].
        • The activities of CHIT1 and AMCase as well as leukocyte elastase (LE) were measured fluorometrically and concentration of YKL-40 immunoenzymatically.
        • In contrast, veliparib showed only marginal activity against EWSCs in our screen, and in long term growth assays we observed only partial sensitivity at 1.2–10μM (Fig 1A and 1B).
      2. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
        • However, owing to their high toxicities, colchicine and thiocolchicine are still in preclinical trials to determine their potential anti-tumor activity.
        • In drug abuse model, repeated administration of LY379268 reduced toluene-induced hyperlocomotion, whereas repeated dosing with LY379268 had no effect on PCP-induced hyperlocomotor activity.
        • Progressive hyperfluorescence with late leakage was considered a sign of lesion activity.
    • Wortart Hierarchie
      1. Substantive
        • Zählbare Nomen
      Ähnliche Links:
      1. en activity trap
      2. en activity traps
      Source: Wiktionary

      Meaning of activity for the defined word.

      Grammatisch, dieses wort "activity" ist ein substantive, genauer gesagt, ein zählbare nomen.
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