
Said deutsch

EN said

    Definition of Said in English Dictionary

  • Eigenname
    1. Alternative spelling of Sayyid.
    2. Mehr Beispiele
      1. Wird in der Mitte des Satzes verwendet
        • “It would appear to me that the case is being overtried by the district attorney’s office,” said Benjamin Brafman , a criminal defense lawyer and former prosecutor.
        • [T. E.] Lawrence said that in the end he felt himself to be fighting not for the imperial British but for the rebellious Arabs. All too often he conflicted with British bureaucratic fustiness.
        • The blighter made a bit of a row, and said as 'ow he just could n't 'elp stowin' aw'y every boat for T'iti." "
      2. In der Endung des Satzes verwendet
        • “If they do not heed it, the Taliban will target their offices, suboffices and tower stations,” it said.
        • PVC, the hard plastic polymer polyvinyl chloride, “is not a long-term, ultrapermanent material,” he said.
        • "In one incident, a large, vicious dog was coming at an officer and he was able to Taser the dog rather than shoot it," Llewellyn said.
    • Wortart Hierarchie
      1. Substantive
        • Eigennamen
      Ähnliche Links:
      1. en Saidpur
      2. en Saidian
      3. en Saidi Arabic
      Source: Wiktionary

      Meaning of Said for the defined word.

      Grammatisch, dieses wort "Said" ist ein substantive, genauer gesagt, ein eigennamen.
      Bestimmtheit: Höhe 1
      Definitiv    ➨     Vielseitig